Support Home General Equipment Bottles PLASTIC SPECIMEN BOTTLES 60ML BPO-200-060 QuestionWhat are these bottles made of and are they resistant to chemicals? AnswerThese bottles are made from Polypropylene, which is quite chemically resistant i.e. resistant to some chemicals but not all, particularly organic chemicals. Click to see the product in detail PLASTIC SPECIMEN BOTTLES 60ML Was this article helpful? Yes (1) No (0) Related Questions CHEMICAL STORAGE BOTTLE CLEAR 1L QuestionWhat are the dimensions of the bottle? Answer This bottle is 101mm diam... Universal Glass Bottle QuestionAre these bottles autoclaveable? AnswerYes they are autoclaveable. Clic...
QuestionWhat are these bottles made of and are they resistant to chemicals? AnswerThese bottles are made from Polypropylene, which is quite chemically resistant i.e. resistant to some chemicals but not all, particularly organic chemicals. Click to see the product in detail PLASTIC SPECIMEN BOTTLES 60ML
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